ORGANIZER: Kristaq F. Shabani-President IAWPA “PEGASI ” ALBANIA

CONTACT: pegasi2003@yahoo.com

Two major events:

May, 25:

Flutura Maçi, Secretary General of the IWAPA “PEGASI” ALBANIA connection, and poet Mimoza Agalliu, Kozeta Zavalani poet, Xhelal Luca, poet

September 28:

PEGASI -Pristina, Kosova Pristina: Prof. Assoc. Dr.. Begzad Balliu, University of Prishtina
PEGASI -Gjirokastra, Albania, Alexandra Shabani. poet, translator
PEGASI -Shkodra, Albania, Ermira Ymeraj , poet, scholar
PEGASI – Korçe, Albania, Arjan Kallço,
PEGASI-Fier, Albania Fier: Mrs.Majlinda Rama, poet, journalist
PEGASI Tepelenë, Albania Islam Kalemi , poet
PEGASI Gjakova, Albania: Migena Arllati, poet

On 25- 26 May 2013″ Pegasi” International Albania , at the modern cafeteria “Golden of Golden” held in Dajt , TIRANA ALBANIA organized a great activity, in the framework of “100000 poets of the world for a change….”a manifestation aiming to determine interpretations of poems, sketches, presentations, songs, paintings, dances, appealing, universal declarations etc. … Pegasi showed its vitality in this activity in this activity, in which participated more than 150 poets, writers and artists from Albania Kosovo, Macedonia, and Diaspora… In the activity were also initiated new talents from the high schools of the Albanian capital city, Tirana, as well as talented students. In the activity was also introduced the poetic work in three languages ‘The magic of Honey” of the poetess Rajmonda Ademi, to continue then with the presentation of the book of the poetess Mimoza Agalliu “Çelnaje”, in April 2013, who is a talented poetess. The activity was directed by Kristaq F. Shabani , poet, writer, Flutura Maçi , painter, poetess, the Presidency of LNPSHA”PEGASI” ALBANIA. The activity was filmed and it was presented also in English language…Kristaq Shabani LNPSHA”PEGASI” ALBANIA

Me 25- 26 maj 2013″ Pegasi” Internacional Albania , ne lokalin modern “Golden of Golden” zhvilloi ne Dajt , TIRANA ALBANIA zhvilloi nje veprimtari te madhe, ne kuadrin e “100000 poeteve te Botes per ndryshim….” Nje manifestim me synim te percaktuar:interpretime poezish, skicash, prezantime, kenge, piktura , dancime, apelime, deklarate universale e tjere … Pegasi tregoi vitalitetin e tij ne kete veprimtari, ku more pjese rreth 150 poete,shkrimtare, artiste nga Shqiperia, Kosova , Maqedonia dhe Diaspora… Gjithashtu u aktivizuan edhe talente te rinj nga shkollat e mesme te Kryeqytetit shqiptar, Tirana si dhe studente te talentuar. U be dhe prezantimi i vepres poetike ne tri gjuhe ‘Magjia e Mjaltimit” e poetes Rajmonda Ademi, e cila pasoi veprimtarine e mrekullueshme per prezantimin e librit te poetes Mimoza Agalliu “Çelnaje”,ne prill 2013, nje poete kjo e talentuar. Veprimtaria u drejtua nga Kristaq F. Shabani , poet, shkrimtar, studiues,Flutura Maçi ,piktore, poete, Presidenca e LNPSHA”PEGASI” ALBANIA.Veprimtaria u filmua dhe u paraqit edhe ne gjuhen angleze…

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