CONTACT: mariacaterina.ciulla@istruzione.it

International Poetry Prize
One hundred thousand Artists for Change – Siracusa (Italy, Sicily) 2019

«100 Thousand Poets for Change», or 100TPC, is an international organization focusing on the Arts, especially poetry and music. It was founded in 2011 in California by Michael Rothenberg and Terri Carrion. Since then, poets, musicians and artists around the world are planning every year individual events to take place simultaneously on the last Saturday of September in a celebration of Poetry, Art and Music to promote Beauty and Peace. All documentation about the events are preserved by Stanford University, which recognizes «100 Thousand Poets for Change» as an historical event, the largest poetry reading in History. In 2018 there were close to 500 officially registered events in 100 different countries.
The event, promoted in Siracusa (Italy, Sicily) by Professor Ella Ciulla

– [https://100tpcmedia.org/100TPC2012/2018/03/ella-ciulla-siricusa-italy-sicily-100-thousand-artist-for-change-2018/]; [https://youtu.be/kosNkh4OWnw]
-www.concorsiletterari.it; Facebook page: Centomila Artisti per il cambiamento – Siracusa
is supported by the Cultural Committee – constituted by the union of the most accredited artistic and cultural associations of East Sicily with some authoritative international club services. The Award of CONTEMPORARY POETRY (in Italian, English, French and Mediterranean Languages) will culminate in the final event of next
28 September 2019 during which the finalist Artists will express their messages in order to sensitize public opinion towards the Culture of Beauty and the most urgent social issues.
To this end, I am particularly pleased to invite You in Siracusa (Italy, Sicily) together with a delegation of Artists who can offer their personal artistic contribution about the following themes:

1) Peace: reality or utopia?;
2) One world, one people: the human brotherhood;
3) Love, what it is?

With the aim of increasing cultural exchanges in the name of peace, brotherhood and solidarity, I ask You the courtesy of favoring the same invitation to your friends and all those associations usually promoting and sharing high quality artistic and cultural events.

Peace and Love, Ella Ciulla

Awards and acknowledgments

Among the 10 finalist authors of each sub-section of CONTEMPORARY POETRY will be assigned a first, a second and a third prize, consisting in silver plates and/or crystal trophies.
The winners of each sub-section will also be offered:

• the free publication of one poetic sylloge by the Publishing House «Morrone Editore Siracusa».

All finalists will receive a parchment of participation, in the spirit of adherence to the pursued aims of peace and tolerance, and their work will be proposed (under conditions that will be communicated) for participation to the Anthology of Contemporary Artists «Centomila Artisti per il Cambiamento – Siracusa 2019» (with CD-ROM included) published by the Publishing House «Morrone Editore Siracusa».

Registration fee. The Prize includes a registration fee of €50.00 (EUR fifty,00) for each work participating to the competition


1) the participation of students under the age of 18 is completely FREE;
2) for young people, aged 18 to 25, the registration fee is REDUCED to € 25.00 (EUR twenty-five, 00);
3) for artists from Mediterranean countries whose currency is not euro, the registration fee is REDUCED to €10.00 (EUR ten,00).

Unpublished works are allowed, with a maximum length of 35 lines (including titles and intermediate spaces). The works, inspired by one or more themes as indicated above, must be strictly anonymous and not show any sign of recognition. Each author can send only one text in an attached file (the only format allowed: Word .doc/.docx) in addition to the entry form, and a copy of the payment receipt of the registration fee. The body of the email must contain: name, surname, date and place of birth, address of residence, telephone number, email adress and title of the work.

The e-mail address to be used for sending the poems is as follows:

The jury will select among all the compositions in order with the superior provisions, ten finalist works for each subsection which will compete for the assignment of a first, a second and a third prize. The poems classifying the first places will be presented, during the show-ceremony of September 29, 2018 in Siracusa (Italy, Sicily) in “narrative frameworks” through a real staging with the intervention of actors/performers, dancers and musicians.

NOTA BENE: if the minimum number of participants is not reached (20 for each subsection), the prizes will not be awarded.


For 2019 another artistic category in competition is scheduled too: MULTIMEDIA LANGUAGES including

A – Audio-visual short films,
B – Docu-film,
C – Spot.
The competition is open to students and artists of both sexes and all nationalities; each artist can participate with just one work of any narrative genre, unpublished, on one of the concept themes of the event, with a maximum duration of 10 minutes (including the opening and closing credits) for short films and docu-films, and the maximum duration of 30 seconds for spots. Each work must be accompanied by a written thought illustrates the concept (max 400 characters). The e-mail address to be used for sending the works created using digital media is as follows:

Among the 10 finalist authors of each sub-section of MULTIMEDIA LANGUAGES will be assigned a first, a second and a third prize consisting of silver plates and/or crystal trophies.
The first classified of each sub-section will also be offered:
• a cash prize of €250.00 (EUR two hundred and fifty,00).

The documentation of the Competition and the audiovisual recordings of the event will be filed in the archives of the Stanford University – California, world promoter of the Festival. All participants can later request, at their own expense, a video copy of the event.

The deadline for sending the works of each section is:
31 MAY 2019

Please see the complete regulation on: www.concorsiletterari.it; Facebook page: Centomila Artisti per il cambiamento – Siracusa




     Gli esiti del Premio Internazionale Centomila Artisti per il Cambiamento Siracusa 2019 sono i seguenti:

Per la sezione – Poesia in lingua italiana Adulti – la Giuria, composta dall’editore Prof. Carlo Morrone (presidente), dalla docente e critico letterario Prof.ssa Giovanna Megna, dalla responsabile Mondadori Store di Siracusa e critico letterario Dott.ssa Annalisa Sansalone, ha deciso all’unanimità di assegnare il primo premio ex aequo alle liriche: Il silenzio nell’anima di Maria Bisignani; Se tornerò di Rosa Maria Sciuto; Ti bacio di Elisabetta Ternullo; il secondo premio al componimento Il cambiamento di Lori Angiolini; il terzo premio a Il volto della gratuità di Alessia Guarraci; il quarto posto, ex aequo alle liriche (in ordine alfabetico): Anima silenziosa di Piero Napoli, Come ogni sera di Donato Tambone, Di notte quando di Rita Arrabito Latina, Forse cambierà di Giuseppe Macauda, Il colore dell’amore di Rita Cristillo, Le dicevo di Gaetano Cannata, Nel silenzio di Gilberta Grasselli, Non abbiate paura di Guido De Paolis, Occhi di Santo Lo Curzio, Or che la zagara di Vincenzo Grillo, Pace di Rosaria Fausta Pezzino, Riandare incontro all’altro dentro la bellezza del Creato di Nadio Grigis, Sottovetro di Sara La Pira, Sulle barricate del dolore di Uccia Cannistraci, Troppi Caino e troppi Abele ancora di Rosanna Mistretta.

Per la Sezione – Poesia in lingua italiana Minorenni – La Giuria ha deciso all’unanimità di assegnare il primo premio ex aequo alle opere (in ordine alfabetico): Cinque punte di Melina Caminiti, Conta su di me di Ginevra Puccetti; il secondo premio ex aequo: Foto sfocate di Miriam Scibilia, Venti di Mattia Castellucci; il terzo premio ex aequo: Hanno lottato di Michela Cavallaro, Il mio futuro nell’Amore di Sebastiano Mauceri, Questa immensa riva d’acqua salata di Matteo Raieli.

Per la sezione – Poesia in lingue mediterranee: Malta – La Giuria assegna il Primo Premio alla seguente opera: Ho sentito il lamento di un’anima di Ġużè Ellul Mercer.


Per la sezione – Poesia in lingue mediterranee: Marocco – La Giuria ha deciso all’unanimità di assegnare il primo premio all’opera: Dimmi di Meryem Elbahri. Si attribuisce una Menzione di Merito all’opera: La speranza di Fouzia Filali.

Per la sezione – Poesia in lingue mediterranee: Montenegro – La Giuria ha deciso all’unanimità di assegnare il primo premio all’opera: Emigrato di Andrea Kalezić; il secondo premio ex aequo: Sogno canino di Teodora Đuričkov, Sorprendente di Sofija Đukić, Valeriano di Pavle Gogić, Veritiero di Sara Tomić.

Per la sezione – Linguaggi Multimediali – si assegna una Menzione di Merito alle seguenti opere: Basta! di Giuseppe Rametta; Evocare di Fabiana Scapola; La vita è Amore: ama! di Formosa Concettina; Lettera dall’uomorotante di Francesca Nobile/Giuseppe Lotito.

Una Menzione di Merito va anche alle seguenti opere, che hanno partecipato fuori concorso:

sezione Pittura: Amore materno di Evelyn Piazza, Gli alberi di Salvatore Formica, L’albero del mondo di Rita Cristillo, Life is too short di Prakash Basenoo.

Sezione Scultura: Slancio d’amore di Gianfranco Bevilacqua.


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  1. Pingback: «CENTOMILA ARTISTI PER IL CAMBIAMENTO – SIRACUSA 2019» – L'Elzeviro dello Jonio

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