Tumblewords Project wishes to continue our involvment with 100T Poets for Change, as we have since the beginning. As always we will devote a workshop in our weekly workhop series to political writing. This year will be presented by Rachel Cachete
Sept 28 Rachel Achete 100,000 Poets for Change
Our Desert Door: Poems and Spells to Ward off Fascism
Poets, musicians, and artists around the world will stage events to take place simultaneously on September 30th in the sixth annual celebration of poetry, art and music to promote social, environmental, and political change. Tumblewords Project will again participate with the global poetry event, as we have since the first in 2011. This year, Rachel Achete will lead our workshop addressing the power of poets to effect change in the world.
Rachel Cachete is a fronterizx poet, visual artist and community organizer from El Paso, Texas. They use they pronouns. A graduate of University of Texas at El Paso, their work explores themes of identity, community, healing, gender, sexuality, and memory, and the radical use of these elements as resistance. They are a co-founder and editor for Chismosa Press, a local independent press created to center marginalized voices. They have released a self-published chapbook, and have poems published in St. Sucia.
Donna J. Snyder
Founder and Coordinator,
Tumblewords Project