Kristaq F. Shabani- “Pegasi” – 2021

“Poets and artists poetically and artistically manifest in this day of September the 25 th for a different world.”
“Honorable representatives of the talented word poets, writers, artists, scholars present today in this hall (environment) Welcome in this peaceful word Manifestation with a major object and goal:” Contribution to the Change of the World “. The proceeding of this poetic manifestation in this environment, an appreciation for this major universal poetic movement. This global, poetic intelligent movement of great measures has since three years now blaming, firing, appealing, providing ideas, publishing poetic, artistic cause, developing universal value exchange, and giving therapeutic contribution in healing the World. It is the poets and the initiating artists of this movement, it is its interpreters and protagonists, who have a different point of view but should be followed by the thinkers of all fields, anywhere in Globe.
It is a special pleasure for the International League of Poets, Writers and Artists “Pegasi” Albania, now a familiar a moderating association known throughout the world, distinguished for its contribution in modern literature, realizing eight symposiums and an international congress as well as an massive activity, as follows “POLEART” PEGASI “INTERNATIONAL” to have this massive and spirited initiative.
This year, in its 11 year, Pegasi International, ALBANIA works closely with many literary organizations in the world. The main goal has been “For a Different Breathing in Literature and Art” … Can you quietly notice this backward “synoptic panorama” of the world, which has denatured itself and the principle of attitude towards the phenomena, is lack of confidence and casts doubt on progress? There is a need for a stand, a unique attitude to transform the world, the concept, the mentality, and in its bronchi to pervade the good air …, serving categorically human life. The poet is philosophically and poetically expressed: “Silence is defined as “NAUGHT”, Silence means “NON-LIVING”… Silence means “FULL STOP… “.
So today on September 25th we are organizing the Poetry Manifestation, where, in over 120 countries around the world, over 100,000 poets, artists at the same time, manifest with their poetic and artistic breathing, intelligent and peaceful spirit, for a world of different breathing, for a different world, a humane world, a virtuous world; a world without the presence of human elimination, a peaceful world, where as scepter it has human love, universal fraternity, the elevated vital level, the free speech; a world without violence, without wars, without dictators, without killers, without beneficiaries; a world where the Good prevails, the rule is to be its image, a world without racial differentiations, without fights, a world of ethical principles, a sprawling world, a world to leave the intersections and a human being may feel themselves humans.
The Crossroad, as an incapable watch of the road/ throws the noose of fleeing from temptations…/ Feeling the last beat of the tragic day, / Blood flows from the cut Pulses… / the messed up letters / in ” the Diary of Sorrow” throws: / The past midnight hangs, / The past midnight takes… / A cuckoo laments in her tongue, / The crossroad is piled up, / The crossroad breaks the skull…/ The murdered letters/ scattered in the streets, / The rancorous rub their hands… / Etymologists will suffer… / The…Cross….road: / The Key word of the Sorrow…
“Pulse of the Sorrow” Kristaq F. Shabani
The theologians of the system, the idols produced a system of General Welfare, but the system is at a cramp, at the crossroad, needs a different breathing, for a new authoritarian opinion, which brings forth and brings virtue, hope and model lifestyle in order to eliminate insecurity and strengthen hope …
“Melancholic” The Spirit Stuck, / Like a Dark Pitch Night! / Come, O clock of flight, / take me in the wooden casket… / The discourse burst / of the greatest Appology of the World / in the spirits of the spirit light a candle … / in the soul’s chambers a Burning candle… / a burning candle… the wax candle…/ the Candle sings the song of the end, / the sorrow undresses… / I in my soul put a hieroglyph…
“Pulse of the Sorrow”
Can this situation be endured in many parts of the World for which the poet naturally and genuinely creates poetry for the human condition?! Can Poets Contribute to the Transformation of the World? Can they play a role in this transformation? Welcome to this Worldwide Manifestation, where you will express with your way of manifestation…. It is a special pleasure to join the organization of this great Manifestation, in his 11 year…
September 25, 2021, The Change Day The Poetic Manifestation of Change
Distinguished poets, writers, artists, participants in this event Manifestation for a Difference. IAWPA “PEGASI” ALBANIA in a discussion “table” before the event
Possibility of conceiving change and the beginning for its realization
by Kristaq F. Shabani, IWA, WPS, AOM, poet, writer, researcher, aesthetist
Introduction to the “panorama”…
The poets, writers, artists are participants and interpreters of this major event for a “Different World” Manifestation, which today, on September 25, 2021, all over the world at the same time, in over 120 countries, around 700 centers, will be felt strongly with the advanced, encouraging, guiding voice: the voice of 100,000 poets who, peacefully, will poetically lecture, express their dynamic thinking, presenting the views in another viewpoint, which a blind eye…, a heartless, or half-hearted …, a taboo mentality cannot observe. Interpretations of this massive act: Poets, Authors, Artists, as horoscope idols have always had the special ability, the privilege, to anticipate and elaborate well-thought-out plans, introducing essentially and in the periphery of yeah yeast of enthusiasm. This prophetic behavior. The “vapors” that this yeast produces are dewy and stimulating. These vapors swell and explode into a rampaging choir, which is owned by the weak. In this case, the weak gets a strong-looking force and embarks on an enthusiastic and explosive finding to gain deductive analysis of the state of affairs in which this world is today … Why this finding: September?
Linked to the lively lymphatic fluid, September, without doubt, is taking a hue of a direction of change and it signs a historic, poetic, artistic day to unfold an illuminating and incandescent beginning and radiance for the Tomorrow and the Peace of the World to change its course, to eliminate its negativity, which sometimes turns into a negative, boring subject that causes pain, tears, lack of hope, broken reflection, miserable picture, serious injuries, where the human life reduces to death, thrilling, asphyxia… This world has illicit sacrifice rampancy. The same has happened before the new era, in the new era, and, such clear phenomena, are also found in the modern age, in which we think we live, and dressed in image property. Always, at all times, the poets have been on the Observation Points and in the avant-garde and, in this massive initiative, we want to do this for the seventh time, today on September 25, 2021.
The First Essence: The naivety flips…, the concentration and the initiative brings fervor…
The sacrificed, the initiators, the hateful, the “hysterics”, the “mad”, the stammering, the populists, the “pumped”, the servants, the weak, used as cat’s paws by the strong and, when sacrificed this measure, “weakness” is used that even the mastering force, with “senatorial” look is surprised! When it comes to the right target, where everything is undressed and the weak is naked, even the naked “body”, despite trying to cover it….
The First War, the Second War, the Cold War, the economic, ecological crises, severe consequences of the system. The betrayal against the Moon “is hidden and keeps hiding with the certificate of honor”. It should be raised over this “giant building”, which looks sugared in appearance, but its interior has another picture… “The more naive a people is, the easier it is to flip it the way you wish” Romain Rolland has formerly quoted in a parabolic way and expressly with a fine mind. In this context, the poets and artists appeal to their peoples and other peoples of the world to wake up from their sleep, open their eyes and turn away from the naivety with consequences and influence the leaders, seek new ideas for changing the situation…
Second Essence: Inhibitory Negativity, Inhibitor of the Progress
Former historians are realizing they have been “puppets”. But today’s historians, sociologists, ethnologists, psychologists, sociolinguists, linguists, scholars, what are they?! Transformation of states, according to dynamic appetite, in the direction of negativity and coloration, leaving the reality in the shadow. Refusing to give up power, in some places, is a “good” sign or omen, which indicates the essence of regressive action, malicious kicking of fragile democratization, transmission of beneficial attitudes to power, transmission of supposedly sweet messages and “achievements”. His surname or approximation reveals the yellow essence … Power Scepter, or the King escorted. The privilege opens the age-old wings … which nail … Political villas are modeled with old elements or derived from the educated layer to always keep their “leading” weight, slowing down the progressive step … On top of power emerge lack of cultural and managerial skills and these bring social consequence and abnormality, stopping the progress …
Third Essay: Universal Fraternity “Object” … Can the Top be reached?!
O you World with unraveled braids, I cannot imagine you without servile and informants, without prostitution, white meat slices, without human rights violations, without drug addiction, without eliminations with high non-existent coefficients … without direct wars and camouflages of intentions for seizures of states, states, spaces and divisions of influential areas. Universal Fraternity … Freedom is something natural for a mighty soul. “Styles”: The first for universal Fraternity, the harmony between people, nations, and the creation of free spaces for exchange and contribution of values have been touched and treated by the great ancient people. One of the initiations that of Jules Romains, who monographically raised the poem “Europe” … After him, Georges Duhamel, Sharl Vitraku, Dyrten, Arloi Sleeve, Jean-Richard Bloch, grouped in “Abei”, were the initiators of being European. Verhel’s lyricism in Germany gives the lyric tone to universal fraternity or René Schickele, the Alsatian whom fate had set between the two nations and worked for mutual understanding. There was a powerful current led by Romain Rolland, rightly considered, “the champion of universal fraternity”, who sought to bring the dawn in the European darkness. His novel more powerful than hymns, pamphlets, protests …, was motivated the “Consciousness of Europe”. Thinkers are always pale in the physical appearance, scraggy, but they have an underground radiance like sun. Symbolizations of fraternity are prominent. “The True brothers and pave the way…”.
Fourth Essence “The spread of light… stems from extreme wisdom
The brain of poets and artists is always moving, trying, carries, seeks, conveys realities, fixes, loses cells. Those who suffer are always the wise and the spreaders of light! By nature, creators are a powerful soul that is not tempted before the most powerful pressures, preached by that “accomplished” sermon: “Freedom which acknowledges limitation …”. The idea of the fermentation of physical “elimination” stems from that frightening part of the human subconscious that Freud, with his intelligence, categorized “despise of culture,” a well though guillotine of eliminating the human being … Criminal anachronism challenges, in the middle of the centuries or millennium, with a strong sense of development and in the midst of the general welfare system! A huge amazement, this would not be motivated if we referred to the number and the increase of Dante’s circles?! … The presence of murdering instruments gives logical use spaces… A comic desire of human elimination! Remember Ernst Lissauer. This poet’s brain wrote the poem “Hate song against England”, where the hysteria of madness against a country was hidden, but it was unfortunate: the poem was dissolved and the author was cast off…
Fifth Essence: Keeping the acquired knowledge… and Transmit it… Can Knowledge be crucified? A logical citation of Romain Rolland again: “I for one will never forsake my friends!” In his work ” Above the battle ” it was shown, above all, that nations should have spiritual love … Do they have it or have testified it at the time we live? They seek the “sweet” conquests of the lands, the seas, the heavens, showing extreme greed and putting conditions to one another … Exports of thought. The severe torture against culture and its creators exercised by a part of present day world society. Just an Illustrative Example: In World War II, the works of Heinrich Heine , Tomas Mann, Einstein, Freud, Werfel, and Zweig were annihilated in feverish preparations. Today, the lapidary words of Stefan Zweig, which are carved in the lapidary today, appear to me: “My modest pleasure is that I have been capable to anger the most influential man of modern times, Adolf Hitler …” At that time, Zweig published the work of his “Burning Secret”, which, even in title, burned with the ideas of the secret dominance of the great irony of Aryan primacy, which was the essence of Adolf Hitler’s “My War” theory. Eh, what fate did those books have! They were nailed in the so called “Pillars of shame” with nails. In the twentieth century, The overwhelming Middle Ages danced the dance of this cultural destruction; repetition of the phases of the ages, where the Middle Ages challenged with its “crucifixion” fashion! … How many archives burned! How many annihilated documents, how many chronicles, how much misguided distortions, how much deliberate elimination of great people, how much bigger opposition created, how many assassinations – suicide! … The history testifies the actions of counterfeiting and “tragic acts” by the crucifiers of knowledge. It is a formed style of “theory of physical-cultural elimination …”. And everything was thrown to the heavens! …
The heavens have their fault, because in the earthly space they throw lightning and these murderous lightning kill abundantly the “objectives” of knowledge, proclaiming and symbolizing what the “Almighty God” so “wanted” … This was a great deceit in a hot brain that, for the sake of vegetating alone, they “sacrilege” and sacrifice lives for the benefit of the rest, which must live … Even the communist system mythologized “as a system that retains human wealth and culture “, though it preserved in the “note score” or the façade “the values, it essentially attacked, fragmented, separated the values, dividing the values according to the wish it eliminated giants of thinking. Fishta, Konica and many others had this bad luck. Throughout the existence, we as the Nation, the people of the prime word, have been in repression, in an attempt to eliminate us and eliminate, from the severity of the struggle of the well considered theory and practicality, to “cut and maim the langue”, not to write it down. .. the sacrificed people for this great cause?
Many, who are today in our Altar of Our Pride… “
Even today, intentionally or unintentionally, intimations are created mindless processes of “ignoring” the mother tongue are foolishly undertaken, leaving children out of school in their mother tongue and other dangerous phenomena … “Crucifixion of knowledge” is it not an act of eliminating what created and produced human wisdom? … Sometimes warm currents and sometimes ice cold currents pass over knowledge! Let’s transmit the great message: “Guard Knowledge”, considering it a wonderful and necessary “relic” because it is the golden reflex of our national consciousness and makes us aware of continuing to change ourselves and in the general context to change the world itself, starting from the core…. Logical conclusion: Can it be reversed? The logic used answers in the sense of positivity, when all the acting factors combine … when the human mind is acting in the specified tendency … Constructive peace is the worldly salvation today … Therefore, we must push in its direction with the utmost seriousness…
Tirana, September 25, 2021.
The material prepared by: Kristaq F. Shabani “Pegasi” International Albania
We Pegasi poets, writers and artists gathered this day of September the 25th, 2021 at a great poetical Manifestation with a detailed program, through the varied forms of free speech and idea for a different world, provide: SENSITIZATION OF PUBLIC OPINION, INTELLECTUALS, HISTORIANS, ARTISTS FOR A PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY AND WORLD DEVELOPMENT IN MULTIPLE PLANNING IN MULTIPLANED DIRECTION. This day of September is considered the “Day of Change,” and this day is coming back in a day where poets, writers, and artists are raising their voice for a change, uniting our voice with the voice of poets, artists over 120 countries of the world … We Pegasians, from the beginning, in 2011, in this event were participants and initiators, we really and practically supported the poets and artists of the world in a poetic-artistic “action”, giving our major contribution with the aim: CHANGE.
Manifestation, in this dimension, is a new expressive form, where the central and local thoughts and thoughts are to be enlightened, should consider the advanced poetic and artistic thoughts and should consider the authors of the country as masterminds, producers of ideas and protagonists in accelerating country development in multilevel planes. We have found in everyday life, in the passing years, that the World has entered on a serious economic crisis with serious consequences in human life, a decline in vitality, to the extremities of millions of people who have extreme poverty, as a result of corrupt presence and ineffective policies that are followed in favor of a few rather than the majority, which is seen with the stepmother’s eye, supposedly, stimulating and triggering the pulse with the democratic format; Giving priority to intelligence, intelligence and erudition, professionalism, embracing and triggering militancy, the use of nepotism, the humiliation of the creature of previous generations and their underestimation; schooling with pronounced corrupt methods in existing schools of all ranks until false degrees are obtained; the acquisition of immovable property by unauthorized persons, the ownership and creation of “land feuds” through the illegal gain, realized, through laws and decisions that are legalized for gaining; “Invasion”, abnormal sales and auctioning of national assets and values, their misuse, sale of these properties to people who are not devout and prospective; freezing intelligence, scientific academic thought and not counseling with it, walking on a progressive clear path … This is a practice – a universal phenomenon.
Therefore, in this context, seeing abusing the country’s environment, immorality and the lack of integration of the country to the EU, the long-standing dream of Albanians, who are shaken by this long-standing transition, as the country’s entry will increase the control of Negative “vicissitudes”, we undertook this poetic manifestation, protesting with poetic and artistic form, peacefully, and giving examples in the direction of protest. This is the advanced poetical, deep, pacific and literally demonstrated opinion. Also, seeing that the “effect” of universal peace is decrease, the increase of discrimination and tensions, the world suffers, 100,000 Poets and Artists of the World manifest poetically and peacefully to show the illuminated way, as they are its advanced prophets, the “Horoscope” seers of the future. Why did we manifest with our diverse creature and turn our manifestation into an example of how ideas can be exchanged:
1. For a country to be exploited for the benefit of its population all the potentials and resources it possesses.
2. For an active democratic politics and diplomacy in the democratic format and putting on top of wise, selected people in all areas.
3. For a real democratic system in content rather than in form.
4. For listening to the intellectual voice, the free demonstration voice in creativity, media and others, giving priority to this active and profound thought that generates the future and the change.
5. For the embodiment of the elements of a universal human peace (poets and artists in this context have shown themselves what they can do). 6. For the increase of the spirit of love for man and for the minimization of the effect of its unlawful elimination through direct and cold wars, considering man a being who has the right to live life without deprivations, threats, violence and with a good vitality level, respecting all his human and universal human rights.
7. For a universal normative humanity and brotherhood in both content and form.
8. For the minimizing of the system’s negative products: drug trafficking, prostitution, selling and smearing of white meat, in violation of the most basic human rights norms.
9. For the creation of fair human relations and respect for the sexes by dismantling the taboo, regressive elements …
10. For the creation and enrichment of the platforms of the organization, the direction and the realization, respecting the rights of the states, regardless of the size of the their territory and population.
11. We express our confidence that the architecture of the future is made only by wise men, leaders who know how to lead and apply the new right policy to change this righteous state of the world in the right direction.
We the members of Pegasi, wherever we are, in 120 countries of the world, there where the International League of Poets, Writers and Artists “PEGASI” ABANIA extensively stretches, support all the positive measures taken today in Albania, but also in Macedonia, in favor of their progress and we stimulate them with their real appearance in our creative work.
The International Association of Poets, Writers and Artists “Pegasi” Albania support, initiate, support any upbringing movement, which aims at development, change and is related to the dreamed future.25.09.2021
“Poets and artists poetically and artistically manifest in this day of September the 25 th for a different world.”
“Honorable representatives of the talented word poets, writers, artists, scholars present today in this hall (environment) Welcome in this peaceful word Manifestation with a major object and goal:” Contribution to the Change of the World “. The proceeding of this poetic manifestation in this environment, an appreciation for this major universal poetic movement. This global, poetic intelligent movement of great measures has since three years now blaming, firing, appealing, providing ideas, publishing poetic, artistic cause, developing universal value exchange, and giving therapeutic contribution in healing the World. It is the poets and the initiating artists of this movement, it is its interpreters and protagonists, who have a different point of view but should be followed by the thinkers of all fields, anywhere in Glob…
It is a special pleasure for the International League of Poets, Writers and Artists “Pegasi” Albania, now a familiar a moderating association known throughout the world, distinguished for its contribution in modern literature, realizing eight symposiums and an international congress as well as an massive activity, as follows “POLEART” PEGASI “INTERNATIONAL” to have this massive and spirited initiative.
This year, in its 11 year, Pegasi International, ALBANIA works closely with many literary organizations in the world. The main goal has been “For a Different Breathing in Literature and Art” … Can you quietly notice this backward “synoptic panorama” of the world, which has denatured itself and the principle of attitude towards the phenomena, is lack of confidence and casts doubt on progress? There is a need for a stand, a unique attitude to transform the world, the concept, the mentality, and in its bronchi to pervade the good air …, serving categorically human life. The poet is philosophically and poetically expressed: “Silence is defined as “NAUGHT”, Silence means “NON-LIVING”… Silence means “FULL STOP… “.
So today on September 25th we are organizing the Poetry Manifestation, where, in over 120 countries around the world, over 100,000 poets, artists at the same time, manifest with their poetic and artistic breathing, intelligent and peaceful spirit, for a world of different breathing, for a different world, a humane world, a virtuous world; a world without the presence of human elimination, a peaceful world, where as scepter it has human love, universal fraternity, the elevated vital level, the free speech; a world without violence, without wars, without dictators, without killers, without beneficiaries; a world where the Good prevails, the rule is to be its image, a world without racial differentiations, without fights, a world of ethical principles, a sprawling world, a world to leave the intersections and a human being may feel themselves humans.
The Crossroad, as an incapable watch of the road/ throws the noose of fleeing from temptations…/ Feeling the last beat of the tragic day, / Blood flows from the cut Pulses… / the messed up letters / in ” the Diary of Sorrow” throws: / The past midnight hangs, / The past midnight takes… / A cuckoo laments in her tongue, / The crossroad is piled up, / The crossroad breaks the skull…/ The murdered letters/ scattered in the streets, / The rancorous rub their hands… / Etymologists will suffer… / The…Cross….road: / The Key word of the Sorrow…
“Pulse of the Sorrow” Kristaq F. Shabani
The theologians of the system, the idols produced a system of General Welfare, but the system is at a cramp, at the crossroad, needs a different breathing, for a new authoritarian opinion, which brings forth and brings virtue, hope and model lifestyle in order to eliminate insecurity and strengthen hope …
“Melancholic” The Spirit Stuck, / Like a Dark Pitch Night! / Come, O clock of flight, / take me in the wooden casket… / The discourse burst / of the greatest Appology of the World / in the spirits of the spirit light a candle … / in the soul’s chambers a Burning candle… / a burning candle… the wax candle…/ the Candle sings the song of the end, / the sorrow undresses… / I in my soul put a hieroglyph…
“Pulse of the Sorrow”
Can this situation be endured in many parts of the World for which the poet naturally and genuinely creates poetry for the human condition?! Can Poets Contribute to the Transformation of the World? Can they play a role in this transformation? Welcome to this Worldwide Manifestation, where you will express with your way of manifestation…. It is a special pleasure to join the organization of this great Manifestation, in his 11 year…
September 25, 2021, The Change Day The Poetic Manifestation of Change
Distinguished poets, writers, artists, participants in this event Manifestation for a Difference. IAWPA “PEGASI” ALBANIA in a discussion “table” before the event
Possibility of conceiving change and the beginning for its realization
by Kristaq F. Shabani, IWA, WPS, AOM, poet, writer, researcher, aesthetist
Introduction to the “panorama”…
The poets, writers, artists are participants and interpreters of this major event for a “Different World” Manifestation, which today, on September 25, 2021, all over the world at the same time, in over 120 countries, around 700 centers, will be felt strongly with the advanced, encouraging, guiding voice: the voice of 100,000 poets who, peacefully, will poetically lecture, express their dynamic thinking, presenting the views in another viewpoint, which a blind eye…, a heartless, or half-hearted …, a taboo mentality cannot observe. Interpretations of this massive act: Poets, Authors, Artists, as horoscope idols have always had the special ability, the privilege, to anticipate and elaborate well-thought-out plans, introducing essentially and in the periphery of yeah yeast of enthusiasm. This prophetic behavior. The “vapors” that this yeast produces are dewy and stimulating. These vapors swell and explode into a rampaging choir, which is owned by the weak. In this case, the weak gets a strong-looking force and embarks on an enthusiastic and explosive finding to gain deductive analysis of the state of affairs in which this world is today … Why this finding: September?
Linked to the lively lymphatic fluid, September, without doubt, is taking a hue of a direction of change and it signs a historic, poetic, artistic day to unfold an illuminating and incandescent beginning and radiance for the Tomorrow and the Peace of the World to change its course, to eliminate its negativity, which sometimes turns into a negative, boring subject that causes pain, tears, lack of hope, broken reflection, miserable picture, serious injuries, where the human life reduces to death, thrilling, asphyxia… This world has illicit sacrifice rampancy. The same has happened before the new era, in the new era, and, such clear phenomena, are also found in the modern age, in which we think we live, and dressed in image property. Always, at all times, the poets have been on the Observation Points and in the avant-garde and, in this massive initiative, we want to do this for the seventh time, today on September 25, 2021.
The First Essence: The naivety flips…, the concentration and the initiative brings fervor…
The sacrificed, the initiators, the hateful, the “hysterics”, the “mad”, the stammering, the populists, the “pumped”, the servants, the weak, used as cat’s paws by the strong and, when sacrificed this measure, “weakness” is used that even the mastering force, with “senatorial” look is surprised! When it comes to the right target, where everything is undressed and the weak is naked, even the naked “body”, despite trying to cover it….
The First War, the Second War, the Cold War, the economic, ecological crises, severe consequences of the system. The betrayal against the Moon “is hidden and keeps hiding with the certificate of honor”. It should be raised over this “giant building”, which looks sugared in appearance, but its interior has another picture… “The more naive a people is, the easier it is to flip it the way you wish” Romain Rolland has formerly quoted in a parabolic way and expressly with a fine mind. In this context, the poets and artists appeal to their peoples and other peoples of the world to wake up from their sleep, open their eyes and turn away from the naivety with consequences and influence the leaders, seek new ideas for changing the situation…
Second Essence: Inhibitory Negativity, Inhibitor of the Progress
Former historians are realizing they have been “puppets”. But today’s historians, sociologists, ethnologists, psychologists, sociolinguists, linguists, scholars, what are they?! Transformation of states, according to dynamic appetite, in the direction of negativity and coloration, leaving the reality in the shadow. Refusing to give up power, in some places, is a “good” sign or omen, which indicates the essence of regressive action, malicious kicking of fragile democratization, transmission of beneficial attitudes to power, transmission of supposedly sweet messages and “achievements”. His surname or approximation reveals the yellow essence … Power Scepter, or the King escorted. The privilege opens the age-old wings … which nail … Political villas are modeled with old elements or derived from the educated layer to always keep their “leading” weight, slowing down the progressive step … On top of power emerge lack of cultural and managerial skills and these bring social consequence and abnormality, stopping the progress …
Third Essay: Universal Fraternity “Object” … Can the Top be reached?!
O you World with unraveled braids, I cannot imagine you without servile and informants, without prostitution, white meat slices, without human rights violations, without drug addiction, without eliminations with high non-existent coefficients … without direct wars and camouflages of intentions for seizures of states, states, spaces and divisions of influential areas. Universal Fraternity … Freedom is something natural for a mighty soul. “Styles”: The first for universal Fraternity, the harmony between people, nations, and the creation of free spaces for exchange and contribution of values have been touched and treated by the great ancient people. One of the initiations that of Jules Romains, who monographically raised the poem “Europe” … After him, Georges Duhamel, Sharl Vitraku, Dyrten, Arloi Sleeve, Jean-Richard Bloch, grouped in “Abei”, were the initiators of being European. Verhel’s lyricism in Germany gives the lyric tone to universal fraternity or René Schickele, the Alsatian whom fate had set between the two nations and worked for mutual understanding. There was a powerful current led by Romain Rolland, rightly considered, “the champion of universal fraternity”, who sought to bring the dawn in the European darkness. His novel more powerful than hymns, pamphlets, protests …, was motivated the “Consciousness of Europe”. Thinkers are always pale in the physical appearance, scraggy, but they have an underground radiance like sun. Symbolizations of fraternity are prominent. “The True brothers and pave the way…”.
Fourth Essence “The spread of light… stems from extreme wisdom
The brain of poets and artists is always moving, trying, carries, seeks, conveys realities, fixes, loses cells. Those who suffer are always the wise and the spreaders of light! By nature, creators are a powerful soul that is not tempted before the most powerful pressures, preached by that “accomplished” sermon: “Freedom which acknowledges limitation …”. The idea of the fermentation of physical “elimination” stems from that frightening part of the human subconscious that Freud, with his intelligence, categorized “despise of culture,” a well though guillotine of eliminating the human being … Criminal anachronism challenges, in the middle of the centuries or millennium, with a strong sense of development and in the midst of the general welfare system! A huge amazement, this would not be motivated if we referred to the number and the increase of Dante’s circles?! … The presence of murdering instruments gives logical use spaces… A comic desire of human elimination! Remember Ernst Lissauer. This poet’s brain wrote the poem “Hate song against England”, where the hysteria of madness against a country was hidden, but it was unfortunate: the poem was dissolved and the author was cast off…
Fifth Essence: Keeping the acquired knowledge… and Transmit it… Can Knowledge be crucified? A logical citation of Romain Rolland again: “I for one will never forsake my friends!” In his work ” Above the battle ” it was shown, above all, that nations should have spiritual love … Do they have it or have testified it at the time we live? They seek the “sweet” conquests of the lands, the seas, the heavens, showing extreme greed and putting conditions to one another … Exports of thought. The severe torture against culture and its creators exercised by a part of present day world society. Just an Illustrative Example: In World War II, the works of Heinrich Heine , Tomas Mann, Einstein, Freud, Werfel, and Zweig were annihilated in feverish preparations. Today, the lapidary words of Stefan Zweig, which are carved in the lapidary today, appear to me: “My modest pleasure is that I have been capable to anger the most influential man of modern times, Adolf Hitler …” At that time, Zweig published the work of his “Burning Secret”, which, even in title, burned with the ideas of the secret dominance of the great irony of Aryan primacy, which was the essence of Adolf Hitler’s “My War” theory. Eh, what fate did those books have! They were nailed in the so called “Pillars of shame” with nails. In the twentieth century, The overwhelming Middle Ages danced the dance of this cultural destruction; repetition of the phases of the ages, where the Middle Ages challenged with its “crucifixion” fashion! … How many archives burned! How many annihilated documents, how many chronicles, how much misguided distortions, how much deliberate elimination of great people, how much bigger opposition created, how many assassinations – suicide! … The history testifies the actions of counterfeiting and “tragic acts” by the crucifiers of knowledge. It is a formed style of “theory of physical-cultural elimination …”. And everything was thrown to the heavens! …
The heavens have their fault, because in the earthly space they throw lightning and these murderous lightning kill abundantly the “objectives” of knowledge, proclaiming and symbolizing what the “Almighty God” so “wanted” … This was a great deceit in a hot brain that, for the sake of vegetating alone, they “sacrilege” and sacrifice lives for the benefit of the rest, which must live … Even the communist system mythologized “as a system that retains human wealth and culture “, though it preserved in the “note score” or the façade “the values, it essentially attacked, fragmented, separated the values, dividing the values according to the wish it eliminated giants of thinking. Fishta, Konica and many others had this bad luck. Throughout the existence, we as the Nation, the people of the prime word, have been in repression, in an attempt to eliminate us and eliminate, from the severity of the struggle of the well considered theory and practicality, to “cut and maim the langue”, not to write it down. .. the sacrificed people for this great cause? Many, who are today in our Altar of Our Pride… “
Even today, intentionally or unintentionally, intimations are created mindless processes of “ignoring” the mother tongue are foolishly undertaken, leaving children out of school in their mother tongue and other dangerous phenomena … “Crucifixion of knowledge” is it not an act of eliminating what created and produced human wisdom? … Sometimes warm currents and sometimes ice cold currents pass over knowledge! Let’s transmit the great message: “Guard Knowledge”, considering it a wonderful and necessary “relic” because it is the golden reflex of our national consciousness and makes us aware of continuing to change ourselves and in the general context to change the world itself, starting from the core…. Logical conclusion: Can it be reversed? The logic used answers in the sense of positivity, when all the acting factors combine … when the human mind is acting in the specified tendency … Constructive peace is the worldly salvation today … Therefore, we must push in its direction with the utmost seriousness…
Tirana, September 25, 2021.
The material prepared by: Kristaq F. Shabani “Pegasi” International Albania
We Pegasi poets, writers and artists gathered this day of September the 25th, 2021 at a great poetical Manifestation with a detailed program, through the varied forms of free speech and idea for a different world, provide: SENSITIZATION OF PUBLIC OPINION, INTELLECTUALS, HISTORIANS, ARTISTS FOR A PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY AND WORLD DEVELOPMENT IN MULTIPLE PLANNING IN MULTIPLANED DIRECTION. This day of September is considered the “Day of Change,” and this day is coming back in a day where poets, writers, and artists are raising their voice for a change, uniting our voice with the voice of poets, artists over 120 countries of the world … We Pegasians, from the beginning, in 2011, in this event were participants and initiators, we really and practically supported the poets and artists of the world in a poetic-artistic “action”, giving our major contribution with the aim: CHANGE.
Manifestation, in this dimension, is a new expressive form, where the central and local thoughts and thoughts are to be enlightened, should consider the advanced poetic and artistic thoughts and should consider the authors of the country as masterminds, producers of ideas and protagonists in accelerating country development in multilevel planes. We have found in everyday life, in the passing years, that the World has entered on a serious economic crisis with serious consequences in human life, a decline in vitality, to the extremities of millions of people who have extreme poverty, as a result of corrupt presence and ineffective policies that are followed in favor of a few rather than the majority, which is seen with the stepmother’s eye, supposedly, stimulating and triggering the pulse with the democratic format; Giving priority to intelligence, intelligence and erudition, professionalism, embracing and triggering militancy, the use of nepotism, the humiliation of the creature of previous generations and their underestimation; schooling with pronounced corrupt methods in existing schools of all ranks until false degrees are obtained; the acquisition of immovable property by unauthorized persons, the ownership and creation of “land feuds” through the illegal gain, realized, through laws and decisions that are legalized for gaining; “Invasion”, abnormal sales and auctioning of national assets and values, their misuse, sale of these properties to people who are not devout and prospective; freezing intelligence, scientific academic thought and not counseling with it, walking on a progressive clear path … This is a practice – a universal phenomenon.
Therefore, in this context, seeing abusing the country’s environment, immorality and the lack of integration of the country to the EU, the long-standing dream of Albanians, who are shaken by this long-standing transition, as the country’s entry will increase the control of Negative “vicissitudes”, we undertook this poetic manifestation, protesting with poetic and artistic form, peacefully, and giving examples in the direction of protest. This is the advanced poetical, deep, pacific and literally demonstrated opinion. Also, seeing that the “effect” of universal peace is decrease, the increase of discrimination and tensions, the world suffers, 100,000 Poets and Artists of the World manifest poetically and peacefully to show the illuminated way, as they are its advanced prophets, the “Horoscope” seers of the future. Why did we manifest with our diverse creature and turn our manifestation into an example of how ideas can be exchanged:
1. For a country to be exploited for the benefit of its population all the potentials and resources it possesses.
2. For an active democratic politics and diplomacy in the democratic format and putting on top of wise, selected people in all areas.
3. For a real democratic system in content rather than in form.
4. For listening to the intellectual voice, the free demonstration voice in creativity, media and others, giving priority to this active and profound thought that generates the future and the change.
5. For the embodiment of the elements of a universal human peace (poets and artists in this context have shown themselves what they can do). 6. For the increase of the spirit of love for man and for the minimization of the effect of its unlawful elimination through direct and cold wars, considering man a being who has the right to live life without deprivations, threats, violence and with a good vitality level, respecting all his human and universal human rights.
7. For a universal normative humanity and brotherhood in both content and form.
8. For the minimizing of the system’s negative products: drug trafficking, prostitution, selling and smearing of white meat, in violation of the most basic human rights norms.
9. For the creation of fair human relations and respect for the sexes by dismantling the taboo, regressive elements …
10. For the creation and enrichment of the platforms of the organization, the direction and the realization, respecting the rights of the states, regardless of the size of the their territory and population.
11. We express our confidence that the architecture of the future is made only by wise men, leaders who know how to lead and apply the new right policy to change this righteous state of the world in the right direction.
We the members of Pegasi, wherever we are, in 120 countries of the world, there where the International League of Poets, Writers and Artists “PEGASI” ABANIA extensively stretches, support all the positive measures taken today in Albania, but also in Macedonia, in favor of their progress and we stimulate them with their real appearance in our creative work.
The International Association of Poets, Writers and Artists “Pegasi” Albania support, initiate, support any upbringing movement, which aims at development, change and is related to the dreamed future.
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