100 Thousand Musicians for Change–Hollywood, Florida

Organizer: Francesca Smith

Contact: hollywoodfreeflow@gmail.com

Hollywood Free Flow  on FB


Poets and musicians from different genres, ranging from ambient, alternative rock, electronica, reggae, jazz, world and hip hop to dub step, unite to bring change and make their voices heard about issues important to them, as part of a global event promoting social, environmental and political change. Topics will range from media mind control to children’s rights, with a line up of original and passionate artists. 100 Thousand Musicians for Change, Hollywood is dedicated to raise awareness for causes and organizations such as WAR CHILD.org. If you are an organizer, or just someone who cares (((♥))) bring your friends, posters, placards, banners, buttons and whatever else you can find to help support the changes you want to see in this world. It starts with you!

100 Thousand Poets/Musicians for Change will stage in 115 countries during over 800 individual events (and counting) on Sep 29, 2012. Poetry and peace gatherings are planned in strife-torn Kabul and Jalalabad, Afghanistan. In political hotspots such as Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt, and Madison, Wisconsin music and poetry demonstrations and readings are being organized. Be part of this global mega effort to bring peace and sustainability – here in Hollywood, FL. It will be a meaningful and magical night in celebration of oneness, with many live performances.

Seven D – 10.30 pm
Willy Rodriguez & the Eclectric Merengue – 12 pm
Cog Nomen – 1 am
Additional performances and contributions by
Frank Stroobandt
Ras Kokay
DJ Triple Spin
Noelle Yvette Hidalgo
Mikko Man
MC Lavish
Nik Angel
Anthony Bacchus
Cosmo Binghi
Winslow The Poet
Majic B
and surprise guests


No cover. Pure love.

(Opening ceremonies and more live music & poetry at 8 pm @ Megabite Chill Out Lounge on 1910 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, just down the street from the Kavabar. Hosted by Ric Zweig).

100 Thousand Musicians & Poets for Change Post Press Release:

100 Thousand Musicians & Poets for Change, a global effort for peace and sustainability,
lounged in Hollywood, FL as part of the over 800 events in 115 countries planned around the
globe. This event was staged at two venues locally, both located on Hollywood Boulevard, the
Megabite Chill Out Lounge and the Mystic Water Kavabar, on Saturday, September 29, 2012.

It was a moving night in Hollywood, with a line up of original and passionate artists, when poets
and musicians of different genres gathered to make their voices heard to raise awareness to
causes close to their hearts. Topics ranged from homelessness, poverty and war to change from
within and New Orleans catastrophe aftermath, while raising awareness for WarChild.org, an
organization dedicated to assisting children in war torn regions.

The local happenings and performances were meaningful and inspiring and a true celebration of
oneness and unity. Amongst the spirited performers were Ric Zweig, Francesca Smith, Seven D,
Frank Stroobandt, Willy Rodriguez, Cosmo Binghi, Sergio Ciazzo, Anthony Bacchus, Winslow
the Poet, Adrian Hamlin, Mikko Man, Daren Kannen, Michelle Montesi, Jessi Campo, Charlie
Apple and Rick Raspberry.

100 Thousand Musicians & Poets for Change, the brainchild of Michael Rothenberg and Terri
Carrion, is in its second year – with poetry readings and musical contributions in hotspots in the
Mid East, Africa, Asia, the United States, The Caribbean and Europe. The long list of
participating nations includes countries such as Iran, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia,
Botswana, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Mongolia, Yemen, the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Lybia, Egypt and the Lebanon.

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