100,000 Poets & Musicians for Change
Friday, Sept. 27, 7pm
Bwe Cafe, 1002 Washington St., Hoboken, NJ
Poets & Musicians include:
Danny Shot dshot@mindspring.com
Vivian Demuth videmuth@aol.com
Eliot Katz ekatz57@earthlink.net
Scheduled to perform at the Hoboken 100 Thousand Poets & Musicians for Change event on September 27 are the musicians: Dave Calamoneri, Glenn Morrow, Barry Ryan, and Elena Skye; and poets: Teresa Carson, David Cogswell, Vivian Demuth, Eliot Katz, Joel Lewis, Nancy Mercado, David Quinn, Lynne Shapiro, and Danny Shot; plus special guests.
One main focus of the Hoboken event will be on issues related to climate change. A suggested donation of five dollars at the door will go to: 350.org, a national climate change activist group; and The Rebuild Hoboken Relief Fund, a fund that was set up to help local residents in Hoboken who were affected by Hurricane Sandy and that will remain open in order to stay prepared for possible future emergencies.
September 3, 2013
Danny Shot, 201-213-8182, dshot@mindspring.com
Eliot Katz, 201-792-2049, ekatz57@earthlink.net
Vivian Demuth, 201-792-2049, videmuth@aol.com
Global Day of 100 Thousand Poets & Musicians for Change
Hoboken, N.J. Event at Bwe Kafe, 1002 Washington St.
Friday, September 27, 2013, 7pm
As part of the third annual global day of 100 Thousand Poets & Musicians for Change, an activist cultural movement started by a group of California poets, more than 500 events are being planned in over 100 countries. In these events, poets and musicians will come together to call for environmental, social, and political change within the framework of peace and sustainability. More information about events taking place around the nation and the world can be found at www.100tpc.org.
In Hoboken, N.J., poets and musicians will perform on Friday, September 27, at 7pm, at the Bwe Kafe, on 1002 Washington Street. One main focus of the Hoboken event will be on climate change. A suggested donation of five dollars at the door will go to: 350.org, a national climate change activist group; and The Rebuild Hoboken Relief Fund, a fund that was set up to help Hoboken residents who were affected by Hurricane Sandy and that will remain open in order to stay prepared for future emergencies.
Scheduled to perform at the Hoboken 100 Thousand Poets & Musicians for Change event on September 27 are the musicians: Dave Calamoneri, Glenn Morrow, Barry Ryan, and Elena Skye; and poets: Teresa Carson, David Cogswell, Vivian Demuth, Eliot Katz, Joel Lewis, Nancy Mercado, David Quinn, Lynne Shapiro, and Danny Shot; plus special guests.
For more information, the public is invited to contact the Bwe Kafe at 201-683-0045 or info@bwekafe.com.