Richard Krawiec- Pop-Up Poetry, Poets for Change- Raleigh, North Carolina 2015

ORGANIZERS: Richard Krawiec

As part of the global event 100,000 Poets for Change, all NC poets are asked to find a few minutes on Saturday September 26 to pop-up and read a poem aloud, their own or one they like, in a public space where it’s not expected.

Simply stand up and say, “As part of the global event 100,000 Poets for Change, I am going to read….” Then go ahead and read.

It can be done anywhere. Supermarket, pub, restaurant, street corner, playground, parking lot, elder care facilitate, convenience store, park – anyplace you can think of.

As an alternative, you call someone who is not expecting it and read them a poem. Or call a politician and leave a poem on their answering machine. Be creative.

Please post the poem you read on this page, with a brief description of where you read it and how it was received. If you take photos, or a video, post that too.

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