ORGANIZER: Rama Krishna Perugu
My village, a shelter to refugees
A home to destitute, a motherland to starving people
Filled with green meadows, feeding tender animals
Resplendent with abounding ponds,
Satisfying the thirst of habitat and humans.
Surrounded with an environment, sustaining the ecosystem.
My village, a Sanctuary to parrots, sparrows, nightingales.
My village, a place of safety to Flora and fauna.
My village, a Paradise to many neighborhoods
Fostered with unity, prosperity and integrity.
What happened to my village, the earth’s haven?
My village is now a waste land,
A torment of scarcity, barrenness, (a torrent of scarcity and barrenness)
A hell of threat to life.
We, the creators of comfort
Now, the victims of retort
Let’s revive the Nostalgia.
Dr. K.Sarojadevi,
Professor & HOD – H&S
Narayana Engineering College , Nellore.
Email id –
PH: 9703785727
Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore took the pride of being the platform for the International event 100 Thousand poets for change on 26th Sept 2015. Every year, many countries are taking part in this global movement towards environmental change. This movement has been mobilizing poets and writers to reflect this theme in their literary works and to contribute themselves in achieving an eco-friendly environment.
This is the 5th time, Nellore city has hosted this global event. The program was commenced with the speech of Dr. Jaya Prakash. He reminded that no movement or revolution in the world happens without the involvement of writer community and their literature. Change in the masses has been achieved only with the help of poetry and literature. Such is the power of poetry and poet.
Dr. Murugaiah opines that connecting the environmental change with the poet community is the right way as this is possible only with the help of elite people.
According to Sri. Allu Bhaskar Reddy, human beings should be embraced with nature inorder to obtain the desired change in the environment. He felt that the present generation is ignorant about the secrets of nature, its activities etc., They have got the knowledge of artificial things only, not the natural phenomena. That is why todays children think that milk is coming out of milk packets. They are under pitiable attitudes and conditions. Hence, it is the duty of the poet community and the parents to make children and youth develop attachment towards nature.
The Vice-chancellor of VSU, Dr. V.Veeraiah insists upon the climatic change. He mentioned that since the inception of technology, Scientists are warning the people about global warming, based on their predictions. But, none of us paid attention to it. Hence, we have to face the results like extinction of many species, drying of many lakes, ponds etc., and melting of ice-bergs and oceans and diminishing of natural resources. Ultimately, the human race across the globe is under chaos and utter depression. Hence, the present generations have to awaken themselves towards a compatible climatic change.
Also, the V.C. has recollected the efforts of MangaiMathaiah , a volunteer of sowing seeds for getting greenery in south Africa, throughout her life. She has received Nobel prizefor her services to her motherland.
The organiser of the program and the International poet Mr. Perugu Ramakrishna remarks about the sustainability of nature, prosperity and world peace, which are to be achieved by the poet community. He says that the poets should strive for climatic change.Dr Rajaram,and Dr Prabhakar .R of VSU acted as Coordinators…
The poetry session was inaugurated by Dr. K.Sarojadeviwith her poem “Nostalgia”, Which reflects the theme of the event, the revival of climate conditions in villages. And Dr.Ch Venkateswararao ,of VSU has concluded the session. Nearly there are 25 thought- provoking poems by the teachers and students, aiming at change and world peace.
Participants List in 100 Tpc at Nellore on 26-09-2015
1. B. Vivekananda – M.Sc., Marine Biology(Ist year), V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India, cell: 08121146906.
2. K. Padma – M.A., Telugu Language(IInd year), V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India.
3. R. Lakshmikantham – Lecturer, DKW college, Nellore, A.P., India.
4. A. Bhargavi – B.Sc., Ist year, DKW college, Nellore, A.P., India.
5. P. Nagarjuna – M.Sc., Marine Biology(Ist year), V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India.
6. V. Balasubramanyam – B.A (III rd year), V.R. College, Nellore, India. cell: 09052935735.
7. P. Prasanth – M.A.(Litt.), I st year. V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India.
8. Dr. Ch. Venkateswara rao, Guest Lecturer, V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India.
9. K. Venkateswarlu – M.A., Telugu Language(I st year), V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India.
10. M. Malemkondaiah – M.A., Telugu Language(I st year), V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India.
11. N. Sarath kumar – M.A., Telugu Language(I st year), V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India, cell: 9550704332.
12. A. Sai Kumar – M.A., Telugu Language(I st year), V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India, cell:9490790516.
13. Dr. K. Sarojadevi – Professor and HOD, Narayana Engineering college, Nellore, India, cell: 9703785727.
14. Dr. K. Eswaramma – Assistant Professor, Dept. of Telugu, DRW college, Gudur,A.P., India, cell: 9705800817.
15. Dr. G. Padmapriya – Lecturer, DKW college, Nellore, A.P., India, cell: 9177355538.
16. B. Saran – EEE Department, 9704609826.
17. P. Hazarath – Asst. Professor of English, Narayana Engineering college, Nellore, india, cell: 9440494848.
18. Dr. S. Divija Devi – Lecturer, DKW college, Nellore, A.P., India, cell:9246806307.
19. Dr. T. Malakondaiah – Reder, NBKR Science and Arts college, Vidyanagar, Nellore, A.P, india.
20. Dr. R. Prabhakar -Assit, professor in English, V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India.
Organiser : Perugu Ramakrishna
Co-ordinators: 1. Dr. Chinnam Rajaram, Dept. of Telugu, V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India.
2. Dr. R. Prabhakar, Dept. of English, V.S.University, Nellore, A. P., India.