Sally Karioth-Read A Poem To A College Student-FSU, Tallahassee, Florida 2019

sketch notes for the second poster





Today, September 28th, a global event will take place called “100 Thousand Poets for Change”, and the “Read A Poem To A Child” Initiative. Slam poetry events in 5 cities in Italy, poets in Kenya from the World of Dreams program visiting schools and sharing their poetry, a growing contingency from California Poets In The Schools, and over 30 Voice Over Artists .There are art exhibits in Texas, Musicians for Change concerts in Serbia, school teachers in Nebraska, readings for children in Mumbai, poets in Egypt,and public libraries and bookstores in Tallahassee! The participation is epic. So many poets and poetry communities, in over 60 countries, celebrating poetry, building community around the arts, and rallying a commitment to saving the planet, peace, social justice and sustainability. We are on the move! I am honored, with my students, to take part.
This event was begun by two Tallahassee poets. Michael Rothenberg and Terri Carrion. Please access Michael’s face book page to see the thousands of people around the world taking part in this moment. My contribution was called “ Read a Poem to a College Student ” focusing on taking care of each other with kindness . After I read a poem to my students called “Simple Kindnesses” by Danusha Lameris, the students read a favorite poem of theirs to each other. This act of world solidarity, when it is so badly needed, is a celebration and reminder of ‘We all are in this world together’


Painting by Luis Millares in Tallahassee, Florida at FSU to commemorate “100 Thousand Poets for Students” and program initiated by Sally Karioth!

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