My Haiku Pond- Haiku for Change- Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands 2016

Organizer: Michael Smeer


Organization: My Haiku Pond





Write a haiku for change or which shows (a need for) change.Make the world a better place by writing some food for thought…

Post your finished Haiku on the My Haiku Pond Haiku for Change Event Page for eventual inclusion in an Anthology of Haiku for Change which will be posted on the 100 Thousand Poets for Change website and archived by Stanford University as part of their program to document the 100 Thousand Poets for Change movement and community.

In addition, please share your haiku for change on as many pages, blogs, groups, etc. as possible.

This MHP-Event is organized in conjunction with 100 Thousand Poets for Change (Global) 2016.




Precious Oboh

scissoring across the sky
a thin icy haze
of Chemtrails


Radhamani Sarma

urchin’s empty bowl
copious flow swift I see
donor’s heart


Celestine Nudanu

red eyes
squeezing juice from stones
refugee kids


Kimbally Anne Medeiros

dirty water falls
hunger hangs like a black cloud
a storm, rescue us


Steve Smolak

quiet night
the neighbor dog’s
new shock collar




Maya Lyubenova  –  on the edge


Malintha Perera

beach party
the sea throws up
a dead fish


Franklin Magalhães

Dying whale –
How can one look at you
face to face?


Nazarena Rampini

Busy street –
baskets of bicycles


Franklin Magalhães

Numbed Europe –
High tide has brought
the real life


Marilyn Ward – U.K.

on a lily pad
the frog


Elisa Allo

far and away
a song for a baby
by the sea

fog in the eyes –
dream of a new world
is still possible?

race for the cure:
in the streets of Rome sprout
thousand of sakura


Fratila Genovel-Florentin – Romania

warm breeze –
the blind man carefully fingering
the buds on the twig

frozen pond –
tremoring in an ice opening
a shoal of stars

ruined mil –
time grinding
the old walls


Brendon Kent – England – UK

flat earth theory
where Aleppo was


Zornitza Harizanova

New Year
the calendar sparkles
with brighter colors

May rain
а blade of grass
shoots up the asphalt

High up in the mountain
under my steps
daisies are growing


Willie Bongcaron

almost dusk
a flight of swallows shifting
to the right…
and then left


Margherita Petriccione

Foam of sea –
innocent nudity
of a child


Anthony Q. Rabang

salad bowl
a caterpillar
can’t wait to fly

the only flower
surrounded by butterflies
election aftermath

not even
a cricket’s whisper
long night


Navya Jain – India

sibylline stories
apocalyptic visions
like Nero we fiddle


Bryan Rickert

paper cranes–
making the most
of bad news


Vanice Zimerman Ferreira

late afternoon-
the boy and the paper boat
a lake and peace


Billy T. Antonio

where garbage grew
here a butterfly
finds refuge




Maya Lyubenova  –  crunch-crunch-crunch


Vanice Zimerman Ferreira – Curitiba,Brazil.

late afternoon-
the boy and the paper boat
a lake and peace


Erasmus Bock

bomber on horizon-
how does one cancel such
a subscription??


Eva Limbach

minute of silence
a spider
fixes its net


Milena Veleva

…faster and faster sucks on a fist
the refugee girl


Eva Limbach

swords into ploughshares
the old bible
covered with dust


Aparna Pathak – India

cockoo’s song
an Indian bride peeps out
of palanquin

summer drive
road full of water puddles

autumn noon…
the grey wind enters
the highway


Radhamani Sarma

cone shaped bud
nipped abrupt in the morn
by bird’s peck


Navya Jain – India

tearful with each step
a father sees his son learn
how to walk again


Lucia Fontana

grey livid sky
behind her sunglasses
a bruise


Billy T. Antonio

dry spell
the anticipation
of rice paddies

my son’s fleet
of paper boats


Kimbally Anne Medeiros

humor hiding fear
fear exposing happiness
so twisted, so real


Amy Losak

screech of the tracks
drowning out
the panhandler’s pleas


Amy Losak

subway platform
every backpack
a potential bomb


Michael Ervin

[ last rain ]

last rain before snow
taps upon fallen leaves ~
mourning fragrance

[ early evening ]

music in the park
wondrous beauty surrounds all ~
love sits beside me

[ best friends ]

unusual moose
recites poems in front of store ~
missing Rocky


Michael Henry Lee

right after
a word from our sponsor…
hunger moon


Michael Henry Lee

climate change
all the leaves
are brown


Alan Summers –  Swindon, United Kingdom

after midnight
a father’s grief shoehorns
the moon

bowl of rice
enough for the moon
and the boy

eggplant season
insanity out of the summer
out of the grass


Maya Lyubenova

steep slopes…
the pines we planted years ago
three times our height


Ernesto Santiago

helping others
who need competitions?
I am a horse


Nazarena Rampini

At this pace
even the snails
will have to run


Christina Sng

field of dandelions
a world of possibilities
taking flight


Tina Stanton – Saint John, NB, Canada

watering eyes –
through the smoke
bricks fly


Skaidrite Stelzer

moonless night
we wait for dawn


Claire Vogel Camargo

slavery no more –
Museum opens


Radhamani Sarma

In Love’s blossoming
veil shutters down
quick farewell


Farhan Abbas – Pakistan

Looking Nature’s law
White pigeon fly in a breez
Gives Fragrance of peace


Erasmus Bock

our legacy
quarried from the past-
here are the chisel marks


Russ Golata – Orlando, FL, United States

Celebrating change;
Feel all the energy
Rise like a wave


Another black man
Gunned down by policemen,
Protect and serve?


Alex Kostov

staying for a night shift
after a hard day’s work


Bryan Rickert

highway rest stop–
flies carefully groom
an old man


Terri Hale French – Big Cove, AL, United States

political rally
the homeless man
begs for change


Pat Geyer

flossy clouds…
once again a monarch
might visit


Adjei Agyei-Baah

caked lagoon…
returning waves
mop our guilt


Russ Golata

Another black man
Gunned down by policemen,
Protect and serve?


Michael Smeer

palm oil field –
his soot stained
green overalls

Eurostar –
the flickering lights
of a stop sign


Gail Oare

the spider on the flagpole
hoists a moth


Eva Limbach

behind barbed wire
the buds
of a white rose


Milena Veleva

butterfly flock
the children run
for more seashells


Diana Teneva

refugees –
the baby with two
new teeth


Ernesto Santiago

still suffering too
from a severe lack of sleep
city mosquito


Ernesto Santiago

kisses from the breeze
my soul needs a timetable
to get some sunshine


Diana Teneva

war news –
the world shrinks into
a single heartbeat


Gail Oare

dark moon
the senator slaps
a nagging mosquito


Djurdja Vukelic-Rozic

gone to school . . .
a nursery sand box
full of rain


Gail Oare

morning twilight
the gray of our skin
color blindness

Vessislava Savova – Sofia, Bulgaria

autumnal equinox
the homeless child finds
a golden coin

cold wind
my old coat warms up
a refugee


Diana Petkova

a dead bird
on the highway
end of the road

a flock of birds
on the wire


Mary Grammatikaki

children of peace
hold handkerchiefs for shields

free children of war to live a wishful life

speed to suicide
commititng ecocide


Alessandra Bava – Rome, Italy

Red clouds at sunrise –
the sky too is a herald
of change this morning.


Diana Petkova

night logging
the hole in the forest

on the path
a felled tree


Ardelle Hollis Ray

I walk a night-street
as moon-shadows follow me
I walk in safety

the sky
clear topaz


Ardelle Hollis Ray

prophets bleed
poets cry
earth is refreshed


Radhamani Sarma

sad for milk spilt
happy it serves a cat
I sip the last drop


Diana Petkova

un-wooded mountain
I reach out for
a sip of water


Iliana Deleva – Sofia, Bulgaria

with frozen hands
we plant these tiny pines
will we see them grow?


Agnese Monaco – Rome, Italy

Many strawberries
in the forest
I lose my way.



Milena Veleva  –  butterfly flock


Diana Petkova

who can stop
to turn yellow?


Diana Petkova

the shadow’s separating
from the mount


Willie Bongcaron

autumn sun
sometimes… the soft wind
blows north


Cindy VanOstrand Blair

flowing freely
no fracking zone
Hudson River

Cancer couldn’t
Heart disease wouldn’t
Smoking did


Jan Folk Benson

removing her fitbit
today she walks
in memory of mom


Carolyn O’Connell

[ Sandscape ]

Aleppo’s rubble draws
images of hate upon ancient sand
once unity’s sculpture.


Christina Sng

new tremors
my daughter shakes
the snow globe


Christina Sng

our world
a closed loop


Claire Vogel Camargo

in position
he pulls the trigger
trophy room


Andrea Piscitelli Narciso

falling magenta leaves
peacefully change the landscape
innate wisdom


Erasmus Bock

night sky-
a field of solar panels
star gazing


Skaidrite Stelzer

the photo gone viral
a stricken boy
we would not save


Maria Laura Mamiya Valente – Cesena, Italy

job interview –
no more fear to say


Carolyn O’Connell

[ The Planet Turns ]

Autumns fiery breaths
changes light and shadows, reminds
we hold but a moment.


Susan Furst – Dale City, VA, United States

from rifle barrels
daisies fall —
four dead


Agnes Savich – Austin, TX, United States

another soul in the limelight
of #blacklivesmatter


Susan Furst – Dale City, VA, United States

she skips school to protest
brother’s 18th birthday


Theophilus Femi Alawonde

the word that buys
even the learned


Ahmad Holderness

barren land
the cow asks the sheep
where is the grass?


Ahmad Holderness

painful dreams
the sickle cell patient cries
in harrowing screams


Tina Stanton – Saint John, NB, Canada

soggy bags –
a styrofoam cup
floats in a pothole


Tina Stanton – Saint John, NB, Canada

heavy rain –
red wine
stains the table cloth


Subhendu Kar


Blue of blossom meditates to embrace joy!
breeze utters brightest song of silence on hill top
white of lily brims in full moon.


Pat Geyer

dark clouds scar
mother nature’s face…
acid rain drops


Pat Geyer

now gone i remember
who you were


Marina Bellini

red light –
the cow in the lorry
looks into my eyes


Ahmad Holderness

cloud and smoke
the farmer seeks shelter
from acid rain


Art Kingston

world health care
adding more
to sounds of silence


Brian Hall

dusk mist in fall
smoke blue on the green . . .
curtains the wood’s edge

dusk to dusk
the old hickory browner

sonny boy plays
old man hobbling
stick for a cane


Duong Nguyen Vietnam

from pavement cracks
rising grass a scattered picture
after the last rain


Steve Smolak

trash day —
only the apple


Gabriel Bates

a child playing the drums
he made from trash


Angela Giordano

the last hunter
on foxtail
already dark

l’ultima caccia-
sulla coda di volpe
già il tramonto


Maria Laura Mamiya Valente – Cesena, Italy

milky way —
children get tired for nothing
but playing game


Pasquale Asprea

a flick
the stinkbug flies


Tim Gardiner

referendum day
a dead fox
In the gutter


Susan Furst – Dale City, VA, United States

Inner city –
between the cracks
a flower


Lucia Fontana

cold tube
sitting next to
a black man


Lucia Fontana

screen addiction —
sweaty children play
hide and seek


Michael Henry Lee



Marina Bellini

flying home
the glacier is thinner
this winter


Marina Bellini

rubble –
the child shares a morsel
with a stray


Angela Giordano

The first shadows
Between the branches of the core
crescent moon


Angela Giordano

Le prime ombre
tra i rami del nocciolo
spicchio di luna


Angelee Deodhar

Malala’s country-
let girls go to school
without a rain of bullets




Adjei Agyei-Baah (Ghana)  –  whale hunting


Nicholas David Klacsanzky – Kyiv, Ukraine

morning glory
the stray cat’s eyes
shut by mucus


Theophilus Femi Alawonde

faulty ballots
a change of the face
bears no fruit.


Willie Bongcaron

rocky road
in my pocket… the cocoon
of discipline

holy book
unless repentance
works within

darkest night
the sun eventually


Martha Magenta

300 years
gone in one day
chain saws


Marilyn Ward

stars across the sky
fight the neon display
light pollution


Kimbally Anne Medeiros

This way, sunshine beams and shifts
Shift is in the heat
Higher power causes change

Our concerns won’t rest
Lush forest hides the chaos
In this day, peace will stand out


Theophilus Femi Alawonde

first drops…
weather-beaten tulips
turn fresh.


Maureen Sudlow

above the gun-fire
always hope


Ashraful Musaddeq – Dhaka, Bangladesh

colorful flowers—
unless you get to hand
flowers are not flower

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6 Responses to My Haiku Pond- Haiku for Change- Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands 2016

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