Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics- Boulder, Colorado 2017

ORGANIZER: Swanee Astrid

CONTACT: cswanson@naropa.edu

ORGANIZATION: Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics


3pm — Beats – A Naropan Periodical, hosted by Eric Shoemaker & Paul
Christopher Gomez

4pm — Open Slam, hosted by Wheeler Light
*Prize will be Bombay Gin issue #43!

5pm — Release Party for Bombay Gin, Issue #43

6pm- Bar Crawl starting at No Name Bar

On September 30th, 100K Poets For Change is having their global event & The
Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics is going to be part of it!
We’re offering up 3 hours of our talented students & alumnx and the
amazing projects they have going on in our program, like BEATS
(https://aplaceofurgency.com/), slam poetry (cupsi team, maybe?– come
to find out more!), and Bombay Gin, the official Literary Journal of
the Jack Kerouac School


from   http://www.jackkerouacschool.org/2017/10/24/kerouac-school-change/

w/ Autumn falling close on our heels we gathered at Innisfree Poetry Cafe on the Hill to tune ourselves to the work we do which makes us change our range of community — for the 100K Poets for Change Global Event. As a writing school at a university whose founding tenements is to using writing as process for hard truths crafted & carried through the human projective, how could we not use this as an opportunity to showcase the activism and activity of our students?

BEATS opened up the global event by hosting a series of featured readers from the ranks of the Kerouac School: Swanee MFA’16, Eric Shoemaker MFA’18, Shawnee Hamer MFA’17, Jeffrey Pethybridge, Caleb Worst MFA ’18, & Nathalie MFA ’19

watch (most) of the features on their Facebook channel: https://www.facebook.com/aplaceofurgency/videos/

at 43:00 you’ll catch Wheeler Light BA ’17 introducing the Slam competition which featured eight poets in head-to-head competition. Slammers from Mercury Cafe  & Block 1750 as well as JKS’ own Garen Lavender MFA ’17 took the stage to win their own copy of Bombay Gin. Popular votes were close, but there could only be one winner: Marvin Connor.

follow the countdown to next year at 100K Poets for Change page!

~ The Hungry Ghost ~

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